
Blog surf:New way

Blog surf:New way

By Rishi Singh

The VolunTourist I am a Professor of Economics. After my retirement from university teaching I have started a junior college together with my former students to encourage Nepali youths to take management education. Nepal is an attractive destination because of its mountain scenes and cultural diversity. I believe that volunTourism would be of great help to reduce the poverty of the people of Nepal. Visitors with skills in teaching management, science, English language can work for some time in a college and visit different places of the country. At least the cost of stay can be shared by the host. Another most important benefit to the visitor would be the hospitality of the host. We have good tour organizers and hoteliers but most of them are directed towards commercial ventures. We do have plenty of energetic youths whom we can mobilize. Can US and Nepal cooperation be developed in this field at people to people level”. — blog.voluntourism.org