


By Rishi Singh

ICC meeting KATHMANDU: International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Nepal treasurer Chandra Dhakal has left for Kuala Lumpur to participate in the sixth World Chambers Congress. The meeting takes place every two years in different parts of the world. This is the only international business meeting where all chamber leaders share their experiences, network development and the address current problems in their groups. This bi-annual meeting is organised by World Chambers' Federation (WCF) where 14,000 trade chambers attend. Poverty, business, governance, social responsibility, public-private sector, customer service, ICC arbitration, certificate of origin (CO) will be the agenda in the meeting which will end Friday. —HNS

FPCRN concerned KATHMANDU: Forum for Protection of Consumer Rights-Nepal (FPCRN) has voiced concern over the Nepal Development Bank Ltd (NDBL) liquidation on Thursday. "It is a result of failure of the monitoring mechanism of the regulating agency," FPCRN said in a press note. As per financial institutions regulations, Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) -- apart from Securities Board of Nepal and the Ministry of Finance -- is the regulating agency for listed financial institutions. PCRN has urged NRB to revive the bank for the protection of people's deposits and investment. — HNS