
Oppn rally in Taiwan on prez shooting anniv

Oppn rally in Taiwan on prez shooting anniv

By Oppn rally in Taiwan on prez shooting anniv

Associated Press

Taipei, March 19:

Thousands of opposition protesters marched in Taipei today to mark the first anniversary of an election-eve shooting that grazed President Chen Shui-bian — an incident critics claim was rigged to gain sympathy votes and boost Chen’s re-election chances. Protest organisers said they want the truth about the shooting on March 19, 2004, a day before Chen was re-elected by a razor-thin margin. “As long as there are still questions about the shooting, we should never give up asking for answers,” said accountant Carter Wu, 34. Investigators announced earlier this month the most likely suspect in the shooting had apparently committed suicide shortly afterwards, but the opposition has cast doubt on the announcement.