


By Rishi Singh

No fair weather The concern for climate change induced by global warming has gathered seriousness, but they are mostly confined to words rather than the implementation of concrete actions to change the scenario for the healthy survival of all the living creatures on earth. In a sense, the buildup of the concerns will be leading to the Copenhagen climate change meet due to take place in a little more than a month and a half’s time. What will transpire in the much-touted meet may not require any prediction because of the adamant stances of some of the industrialized countries. In all this, the sufferers are going to be the developing nations, beside other things they have not been able to put forth their agenda regarding climate change mitigation efforts forcefully to make a difference. In fact, the global reality picture is evidence that the poor Third World is reeling under the impacts of the climate change which has wreaked havoc on their mainstay of agricultural activities. Any move forward has to take this into consideration, and it is only through the suggested scaling down of the greenhouse gases, which include the formidable CO2 emissions mainly through the combustion of fossil fuels by industries, households, vehicles, airplanes, among others. Of course, it has to be realised that total elimination of fossil fuel use is not feasible, yet the lowering of the greenhouse gases in the environment to 350 parts per million could be a great leap forward in safeguarding the green future of the planet. The global warming that is being referred to with greater frequency is the atmosphere trapping more heat than normal, which can play havoc with the survival of all living creatures and plant species. As a result, the negative consequences will be more pronounced on human beings, theoretically the source of almost all activities that raise the level of CO2 in the atmosphere. Yet, the quest for material progress has received greater priority as a panacea for meeting the needs of the burgeoning population. A little let down in the economic growth rate can mean hunger and starvation for millions of people, hence the tussle goes on with the rich nations not wanting to cut down on their excessive dependence on the non-renewable energy resources. This is what has made any prediction of encouraging outcome of the Copenhagen meet next to impossible. In this context, the vagaries of weather all around the world has been depressing news with many a countries facing dire situations with the crop yields falling prey to either drought or floods like never before. Though Nepal’s contribution to global warming is negligible, it cannot escape the effects of climate change. Hence, its role must be to lobby for the reduction of CO2 emission in the atmosphere. Meanwhile, the environment ministers of SAARC have decided to set up 50 “weather stations” to monitor the weather patterns that will provide early warning to help in attempts to mitigate the catastrophe that climate change can bring in. A total of 15 weather stations would be installed in Nepal, as per the decision. This shows that South Asia, including Nepal, is well aware of the real dangers of climate change that global warming can lead to.

Water talk Most of the lakes and ponds in the Kathmandu valley have already dried up or have been encroached upon. If this trend is not arrested on time, the remaining ones could too face a similar fate. Thus, it was reported that a majority of ponds and lakes in the Lalitpur Sub-Metropolitan City have gone the way of the dodo. However, we can pin some hope on conservationists who intend to restore them if possible. Lakes and ponds have much aesthetic value and also do wonders for environmental promotion. That the government is planning to preserve the remaining ones is a step in the right direction and long overdue. It is not only the ponds and lakes of Lalitpur that are facing such a fate, most such water bodies in the valley and throughout the country have shrunk alarmingly. These often are sources of drinking water, and other purposes. If these dry up then they could have drastic consequences. Being the supply of water for household uses and of religious significance, the ponds and lakes scattered all over the country need to be looked after properly. In this, the locals too should come forward to provide help to the government to preserve the ponds and lakes.