
Love your work — II

Love your work — II

By Rick Beneteau

It was at this point that I brought my high-wire friends a sampling of my special blend coffee (I prepared this, just prior to ‘lights out’), reserved usually for special company. Setting a tray down on the patio table, I engaged ‘Jim’ in conversation and remarked how much I enjoyed watching them work and how much it reminded me of my great production team when I owned a drycleaning business. Another well-oiled, and fun to run machine. His sun-hardened face beamed with pride as he began telling me about what a great group of guys he had and how they were the most productive crew in this large company. No wonder! Our conversation was not a long one. It was considering the moment that things that to be thought about. Jim had to get his boys back to the matter at hand, and that was to get my power back. But it served to make me think that here was a man who loved what he does, made a positive impact on those around him and earned the sincere respect of those under, and, above him. I could only surmise that Jim also had a great family life. Why do I tell this story? Simple. It’s a simple story of real success! No, Jim is not famous. Probably never will be. Nor is he rich as I could tell, or any of those things that people usually associate with the term ‘success.’ If this man won the lottery today I’d bet the farm he’d be planting poles and strin-ging wire and having fun with his crew the very next week. He is, judging by my brief encounter with him, a simple man who possesses one of the true keys of success: He loves what he does!

In this all, there are a number of questions that can highlight the situation. The answers can provide the foundation that you are standing on. —sankyscorner.com