President says new Constitution has institutionalised republic

KATHMANDU: President Ram Baran Yadav has said the new Constitution has institutionalised democratic republicanism in the nation.

Addressing the final meeting of the Constituent Assembly (CA) after announcing commencement of the Nepal's Constitution 2072, the Head of the State hoped the Constitution would lead the nation to economic development.

Congratulating all Nepali people for the new Constitution, the President said Nepali people's desire to see a constitution drafted by their representatives has been fulfilled today.

The new charter has also ensured people's sovereignty, according to the President.

"We hope that the nation will head toward sustainable peace, political stability and social and economic development after promulgation of the new Constitution," the President said.

He was of the view that the historic document has protected and promoted rights of various social groups of the nation. The Constitution has given an opportunity to promote unity in diversity and end all forms of discrimination, he claimed.

Meanwhile, Yadav urged all people of the nation to protect and promote people's rights granted in the Constitution in unity and cooperation.

Noting that the Constitution is a dynamic document, he asked all people to actively engage in use and protect people's rights, prosperity and social justice.

"This Constitution made by people's representative through the Constituent Assembly is a document of our common commitment to protect Nepal's freedom, sovereignty, geographic integrity and independence," he said.