
PM Oli inspects new building of party headquarters

By Rastriya Samachar Samiti

CPN-UML Chair Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli inspecting the building where the party headquarters are to be shifted, at Thapathali, Kathmandu, on Wednesday, March 24, 2021. Photo: RSS


CPN-UML Chairperson Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli today inspected the new building of party headquarters.

Prime Minister Oli reached Thapathali and inspected all the rooms of the new building, said party office secretary Ishwari Rijal.

Rijal added that CPN-UML's party headquarters located at Dhumbarahi is going to be shifted to Thapathali keeping in mind the Ring Road expansion project. He added that the party office would soon be shifted to the new location.

The party had shifted its office to Dhumbarahi, on rent, after the Gorkha earthquake damaged its previous office at Madannagar, Balkhu.

Moreover, plan is afoot to lay the foundation for the party's own building at Balkhu, on April 22.