
NAC gears up to restore international flights


​​​​​​​Nepal Airlines Corporation, the national flag carrier, has prioritised the restoration of its international flight services suspended due to the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic.


Nepal Airlines Corporation, the national flag carrier, has prioritised the restoration of its international flight services suspended due to the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic.

As the infection risk slows down, the resumption of disrupted flights is one of its current priorities. The stateowned entity is preparing to connect two major cities of India - Bangalore and Mumbai - with Kathmandu very soon.

The Corporation said it was preparing to operate the Kathmandu-Bangalore flight from March 21 followed by the Kathmandu-Mumbai flight from March 29. The NAC will launch flight to Bangalore on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday while the flights to and from Mumbai will be operated on Wednesday, Friday and Sunday.

The NAC has been operating two flights on the Kathmandu-New Delhi route since March 14. It continued the service for New Delhi amidst the adversity caused by the pandemic.

Now it will resume all sorts of commercial flights towards several destinations.

Similarly, it is working on a plan to add one more flight along the Kathmandu-Narita (Japan) route from April 1. According to NAC Spokesperson Archana Khadka, they are likely to operate flights on Tuesday and Friday for Narita International Airport. 'We are getting back to our business in the post-COVID-19 time.'

NAC international flight schedule incorporates nine destinations of seven countries.

Additionally, preparations are on for operating two flights on the Kathmandu-Bangkok route in Thailand.

'Currently, Kathmandu-Bangkok route has been connected by a single flight and one more flight will be added from March 21,' NAC sources said.

A version of this article appears in the print on March 18, 2022, of The Himalayan Times