
Nangsal Choedon becomes first Nepali woman to traverse Everest, Lhotse


Nangsal Choedon Lama from Gorkha has set the historic record becoming the first Nepali woman to traverse from Everest Base Camp to Everest and then Lhotse in the spring season.

'We are thrilled to announce our Everest and Lhotse Expedition team member Nangsal Choedon Lama has set a historic record,' Chairman at Pioneer Adventure Pasang Sherpa said, adding, 'Nangsal has become the first Nepali woman to traverse from Everest Base Camp to the summit of Mt. Everest on May 23 at 02:15 AM, onward to summit Mt. Lhotse on May 23 at 04:30 PM and back to Everest Base Camp in an astounding 47 hours.'

According to him, she left EBC on May 22, 2024 at 4:02 AM and returned to EBC at 3:00 am on May 24, 2024.

She was accompanied by Pioneer Adventure Climbing Guide Kusang Dorchi Sherpa. Last year, Nangsal successfully summited Mt. Manaslu (real summit) with Pioneer Adventure. Her triumph on Manaslu inspired her to not only summit Everest, the highest mountain in the world, but also to attempt the formidable double summit of Everest and Lhotse, Sherpa said.

Nangsal hails from the village of Samagaun, where she previously worked as a porter, carrying loads for climbers from around the globe. Her goals are to inspire the youth of her district, showing them that with opportunity and determination anyone can achieve their dreams and overcome their challenges.

'I am incredibly proud to share that I successfully summited both Mt. Everest and Mt. Lhotse within 47 hours,' she said, 'As the first girl to achieve this remarkable feat, the journey came with immense pressure and numerous challenges. Yet, with unwavering determination and aspiration, I reached the top of both peaks.'

This experience has been a testament to the power of determination, preparation, and the human spirit. 'I hope my journey inspires many people and especially youth,' she added.