
Shop west for lT

Shop west for lT

By Shop west for lT

The University of Western Australia’s mission is to advance, transmit and sustain knowledge and understanding, through the conduct of teaching, research and scholarship at the highest international standards, for the benefit of the international and national communities and the State of Western Australia. Its enduring commitment is to improve society through learning and discovery

Are you a prospective?

To be eligible for admission you have to be;

•Domestic undergraduate or postgraduate student- Australian citizen or permanent resident or a New Zealand citizen

•International undergraduate or postgraduate student- Not an Australian citizen or permanent resident or New Zealand citizen.

•Not-for-Degree Student- Considering studying individual University units through UWA Extension or, Studying a degree course at another institution and wishing to study some units at UWA through a cross-institutional enrolment

Subjects offered:

•Architecture, Landscape and Visual Arts.

•Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences.

•Economics and Commerce (UWA Business School)


•Engineering, Computing and Mathematics.


•Life and Physical Science.

•Medicine and Dentistry.

•Natural and Agriculture


Information Technology at UWA is serviced by a number of groups. Information Technology Services (ITS) (comprising ACS, UCS and the ITPO) covers IT for central university services with other groups covering the library, faculties, schools and centres.


Student Guild

Clubs and Societies