Fighting malaria
Fighting malaria
Published: 08:42 am Dec 28, 2015
Leaders of Asia and the Pacific are resolutely committed to defeating malaria. Eighteen heads of governments from across the region endorsed the Asia Pacific Leaders Malaria Alliance (APLMA) Malaria Elimination Roadmap at the 10th East Asia Summit (EAS) in Malaysia last month. This was an important step toward regional fulfilment of the EAS 2014 commitment to achieve a malaria-free Asia and Pacific by 2030. The roadmap presents six priority activities that countries can implement that will contribute to accelerate malaria elimination. The roadmap builds on the learning and successes of the Millennium Development Goals years, which saw a halving of the malaria disease burden over a 15-year period. Malaria elimination is imperative for the 2 billion people at risk in Asia and the Pacific, especially in light of emerging multidrug-resistant malaria in the Greater Mekong Subregion... —