Minister Sharma unveils ambitious plan
Minister Sharma unveils ambitious plan
Published: 01:04 am Jan 02, 2016
Kathmandu, January 1 Minister for General Administration Rekha Sharma today said the government would develop its list of functions for the three-tier governments, restructure bureaucracy, develop human resources and enhance their proficiency in line with the spirit of federalism. Unveiling the government’s action plan at a press conference in the capital, Minister Sharma said the government needs to develop bureaucracy as a result-oriented, people-oriented and accountable mechanism, which can work as a professional organisation. She said the government would form federal bureaucracy and deploy government employees at local, provincial and federal level offices within the next two years. The action plan also states that the government would table a bill in the Parliament within three months to amend the Civil Service Act, 1993, and Civil Service Regulation, 1994. The minister said the government would prepare a scientific criteria based on HDI to ensure inclusion of the targeted groups. The action plan states that infrastructures of all public bodies would be made disabled-friendly. “Translators would be managed at local level offices by preparing a work procedure. Knowledge of local languages would be given priority while transferring civil servants to ensure effectiveness in service delivery,” she said. According to the concept paper, all the citizen’s charters would be managed in all national and local languages within next three months and audio versions would also be developed in all languages. An informative booklet entitled ‘What Government does?’ would be printed and distributed to the public. The book would inform the public about services provided by the government offices. The ministry has planned several ways to ensure that the public is satisfied with the government’s service delivery and make people aware of their rights. A system to monitor public satisfaction would be developed. Monthly public hearings on development projects would be made mandatory. “To save time and money, the ministry would develop an online application system for civil servants to seek transfers,” she said. The Department of Civil Personal Records would be further equipped with more resources and technology and necessary physical infrastructures would be added to digitise personal records, Minister Sharma added.