


By Rishi Singh

Taking drugs in right doses

The article “Archaeologist cures husband’s asthma” published in THT on August 2 was very interesting. Some of the points seemed relevant, particularly because rampant use of

antibiotics is common these days. Selection of an anti-microbial drug requires fine clinical judgment skills alongside detailed knowledge of pharmacological and microbiological factors. If those who prescribe medicines lack this skill, it may give rise to undesirable consequences.

In Susan’s case the freely prescribed antibiotics has given rise to a super-infection. It is a case of breakdown of the normal host defence mechanism. Such breakdowns occur when patients consume excess antibiotics. Those prescribing the medicines should develop skills to

select right antibiotics in right doses for the right duration. Doctors should bear in mind that they should use their skills to save the valuable lives of the patients.

Durga Bista, via e-mail

Duty first

It is unwise to block the Valley traffic in the name of protests and rallies. Those protesting must know that by blocking the traffic they are causing difficulties to the commuters. The problem is common to all citizens and is not just confined to the student community alone that takes to the streets for every other problem. All of us should resolve the problems through prudent ways. I feel the corrupt leaders were responsible in creating the current

situation. Instead of protesting only it would be better if the students realised their duties first.

Mahesh Gelal, via e-mail


There is a debate going on regarding UN involvement in Nepal. I feel having the UN in the existing riddle will only create further turmoil at home. We already have countries meddling in our political affairs as they have their own interests to protect. How can our so-called foreign policy experts find the UN intervention favourable? The idea is to let the Nepalis live in peace. For this we have to design internal solutions to the current insurgency problem. Majority of the Nepalis need food, shelter and clothing and not unnecessary hurdles that

interfere with their lives.

Krishna Adhikari, via e-mail


It is a simple fact that Nepal has already lost track of many things due to incessant human rights violations and an atmosphere of insecurity created by the on-going insurgency. The innocent civilians are caught in between the devil and the deep sea. There are rebels on the one side and security agencies on the other. Subsequent governments did not work for the welfare of the State or the poor and the terrified citizens. Democracy has also been destroyed. Abduction, looting and killings are rampant, especially in the remote corners of the

country. I am also a victim of this on-going civil war. It is unfortunate that the political leaders have lost their credibility and the present government is encouraging despotic rule in the country by ignoring democratic ideals. If this continues, the country would soon be submerged

in a bigger quagmire. That will also dilute whatever remnant of democratic principles that have so far survived the political upheavals.

Navin Khanal, via e-mail