Thematic maps of Lalitpur on cards
Thematic maps of Lalitpur on cards
Published: 12:00 am Aug 18, 2005
Lalitpur, August 17:
The Lalitpur Sub-metropolitan City (LMC) is preparing thematic maps of Lalitpur. Among others, the maps will cover network of roads, water pipelines, drainage systems, institutional, educational and commercial buildings, stone spouts, monasteries, and temples of Lalitpur will figure in the maps. The Lalitpur Sub-metropolitan City has adopted the Geographic Information Systems (GIS), a computer-based tool, for mapping and analysis of infrastructure and events.
Suman Meher Shrestha, the GIS coordinator at the LMC, said the maps will bring accurate and up-to-date information, which will help in formulating plans, arriving at decisions and manage resources. “The GIS technology will help address haphazard urban growth, construction of inadequate urban infrastructure, urban problems, heritage loss, low revenue generation, and lack of long-term strategic planning.”
He added that accurate and up-to-date information will support in planning and managing resources and infrastructure at local level. The spokesperson for the LMC, Ashok Shrestha, said: “Since the LMC alone cannot introduce GIS technology, we have to depend on research
students from various universities to carry out the programme.”
The Lalitpur Sub-metropolitan City has also developed phasewise programmes. The first phase aims to collect baseline information, secondary data, primary information, household survey, field verification, and digitisation. Data processing and analysis will be done in the second phase. The third phase will focus on application of GIS in municipal planning and development activities.