
NC section against new agenda

NC section against new agenda

By Damaru Lal Bhandari

Kathmandu, August 31:

A section of the Nepali Congress (NC) delegates today expressed concerns about the eventual fate of the nation in the event the party goes for a republican order. Since today was the first day of the closed session, a comprehensive cross sectional view may be clear only by tomorrow.

While not many got to speak given the lack of time, since much of the time was dedicated to the political and other reports from the party office bearers including treasurer and general secretary, a dozen party delegates who got to speak were divided among themselves on the efficacy of the latest decision of the party concerning the future agenda.

While some were of the view that the political agenda bordering on “democratic socialism” could be dangerous in the light of the consequences involved, others were not much concerned about the consequences as long as the agenda is safely implemented in due course. The nature of debate which marked the day had a section of the party workers worried and asking themselves as to what could happen to the nation and the polity just in the event the void left by the institution of monarch is occupied by the army.

Yet another concern is what could happen to the nation and the democratic movement as a whole if the void left behind by the institution of monarchy is occupied by the Maoists in their wake. Compare this with yet another point of view with some declaring that the institution of monarchy was already out of step and thus out of mind. It may be said that the claim to the effect that the monarchy has already run out of people’s mind is being pegged on the February 1 royal intervention which has “broken the tripartite agreement, thus shattering the confidence of the section of the party which deeply believes in constitutional monarchy.”

Meanwhile, yet another development of the day was that challenger for the title of NC presidency, Narahari Acharya, appears to have made some impression on a section of party delegates as a representative of the section of people who do not see any reason in maintaining the status quo. While the rest have written of him “given the following the Koirala clan has”, what appears likely is Acharya may end up garnering substantial votes. That, of course, will be clear by tomorrow evening.