MIDWAY: Eloquent eyes
MIDWAY: Eloquent eyes
Published: 12:00 am Nov 06, 2005
Countenance is the portrait of the soul, and the eyes mark its intentions,” Cicero had rightly opined. I also apply the impeccable method of eye contact to unravel all the “white lies” of my five-year-old frivolous niece. My little niece was born on April the first, so we all humbly accept that playing pranks is her natural instinct. By her innovative ideas of fooling others she easily deceives everyone except me. Whenever I find a hint of qualm on her words, I always gaze inside her innocent eyes and they reveal a lot. When she lies, she always tries to avoid an eye contact. Thus her shifty eyes become sound evidence to discover her guilty conscience.
I genuinely believe that eyes are the most expressive part of our body. We trust on spineless tongue despite knowing that it can be deceptive. But the eyes are staunchly honest and they cannot lie even if the beholder is a habitual liar. The eyes speak better than words. They convey volumes to each other without letting anyone else into the secret.
At my dearest friend’ marriage a few months ago, while she was lounging far-off as a bride, we had no chance to converse. But our eyes talked. Closing my eyelashes for a second, I wished her all the best and with her shy, solemn eyes she accepted my wish. That silent tête-à-tête had reassured our friendship and helped me to get over from the emotional turmoil of losing her forever.
Poets have waxed eloquent about the beauty of half-closed drowsy feminine eyes. A woman’s half-closed eyes, not just during sexual elation, are said to reveal sensuousness. People believe in religious verses but to me the spiritual bliss lies in Lord Buddha’s enlightened eyes. Those eyes are seriously silent but they convey the unrivalled feeling of supreme serenity. Only those who fall in love know what a lover’s eyes are all about.
In those deeply fraught quixotic moments of togetherness, words can only debase the unrivalled feeling of mutual belonging. The actual dialogue between lovers lies in a pause of conversation, in their breathing and in their “talking” eyes. That’s why Brian Adams sang: “To really love a woman, you got to see your unborn child in her eyes.”