My rafting experience
My rafting experience
Published: 02:47 am Jan 26, 2017
For a non-adventurous and a non-risk taker 17-year-old teenager, rafting was a new and thrilling experience, and I was looking forward to it. Excited I stepped out from my house towards my college. I met my friends and we boarded a bus after buying some spicy, tasty “titauras”. We started our journey towards Trishuli River for our rafting. There was no place for nervousness and frightfulness in my mind. The long yet jubilant journey of two hours or more was filled with singing, dancing, shouting and much more. As I did not know how to dance and was shy of singing in front of people with a bad voice. I sat on my seat solving my favorite Rubicks cube or gossiping with a friend seated next to me. After a long ride we finally reached our destination the bank of Trishuli River. We then had a good breakfast and in a group of eight headed towards our raft. I was mesmerized by the fast flowing river as our rafting started. The “dai” who was our raft head taught us the risks and precautions that should be taken while rafting and also instructed us how to paddle. Slowly and gradually, our raft started to move. As we started to move the water backward and forward, our excitement rose. We were slowly moving in the smoothly flowing water. The thrilling, amazing part of the rafting started when the raft and we students sitting in the raft came across the huge waves of water that completely soaked us with water and made our raft move as if an earthquake had come in the river. There were many types of hurdles and when we saw waves approaching near us, we used to stay still and not move and enjoy that moment fully along with precautions. Another important part of the rafting was rock climbing, This was the hardest part for me due to my freezing feet which were in no condition to walk. I was relieved after I walked past the rocks. One of our friends fell off the raft into the water but she was saved. We confidently rafted past those waves completely wet. With all those “ Forward, forward..... backward, backward... stop and “high 5” ( as we did after crossing every hurdle with our paddle), we at last reached the end of the rafting. Throwing of water to fellow rafters, movements we did with our paddle and the waves are the memories I vividly remember and feel that awesome feeling I got while rafting till now.