
Being judgmental

Being judgmental

By Binisha Nepal

I have been raised in a society where I got a liberty to speak my heart out, always. Little did I know that this too had a clause of double-sidedness. We all have been a part of the environment where people are more concerned of what others have/ do than what you have/ do. Result -- we never really achieve the state of contentment, not even close. The intentions might not be as bad, but its implications are never healthy. It is very easy to comment on others, be it good or bad. But it is very difficult to overlook their state and to concentrate only on yours. So what makes us judgmental? When our level of comfort is not met, or if we come across people who do what you don’t or achieve what you couldn’t, follow practices which aren’t similar to yours, conduct acts which directly/ indirectly hurt your ego, that is exactly when you resort to passing a comment which ultimately would satisfy your inner soul a little. The beauty of this universe is its diversity. It’s the differences that make living so vibrant and exciting. And what creates the differences? The manifold situations that every individual goes through. All of us might be a rock from within but we have carved ourselves into the being we are today through the multifarious experiences gathered over the years. Nobody is to be judged for the situations they face because these are inevitable. Actions however are your choice, good or bad. Stop judging people or the situations they face. And if it is their actions which are to be blamed then we have no right to comment on those as well because none of us were in their shoes ever. Like a very famous proverb says: we are all sinners, judging another sinner for sinning differently! Look at people and stop making involuntary comments, instead optimize from these diversely available exposures, so much to learn from there. Nothing in this world works as per your anticipation. If they would, you would have a sad, boring world with no colors around. Developing ourselves is not just about building a great career and earning loads of money. Yes these are a part of it, but you know what covers the major chunk - developing your personality and how you react to the world. Externality is something that changes with time. Grow yourself internally. It’s your soul that should be optimistic. The day you start doing this, you my friend will go on a very insightful and wonderful path of becoming carefree and living without judgments.