Deliberation on inclusion commission bill begins
Deliberation on inclusion commission bill begins
Published: 03:18 am Mar 22, 2017
Kathmandu, March 21 The Social Justice and Human Rights Committee under the Legislature-Parliament today began discussion on the bill relating to formation of a national inclusion commission. The discussion began after a sub-committee submitted a report after studying the bill. The committee has stated that the bill will be sent to the Parliament after holding a thorough clause-wise discussion. The sub-committee formed under committee member Gita Chhetri had prepared the report after organising various regional-level seminars and holding discussions with legal experts regarding the matter. The sub-committee has informed that the report was prepared to ensure and protect the rights of Khas Arya, marginalised communities, remote Karnali folks, economically deprived groups, workers, the differently-abled, and farmers, among other groups. Meanwhile, lawmakers speaking at the meeting stressed on making the sub-committees effective. There are six sub-committees under the committee. Committee Chair Sushil Kumar Shrestha said the inclusion bill should be endorsed soon. Similarly, the meeting decided to ask the government to submit the National Human Rights Commission’s annual report to the Parliament.