Health Ministry approves master plan of Bharatpur hospital
Health Ministry approves master plan of Bharatpur hospital
ByPublished: 03:50 pm Jun 08, 2017
CHITWAN: The Ministry of Health has approved the master plan to upgrade the Bharatpur Hospital into a 1000-bed hospital converting it into an academic institution. According to Raj Kumar Rajbhandari, chairman of the hospital development committee, the required infrastructure would be built soon, said hospital development committee chairman, Raj Kumar Rajbhandari. Separate buildings for hospital ward, academic institute, visitors, parking lot and garden among other infrastructures would be constructed soon as per the master plan, he added. The hospital would have its own oxygen plant and water processing plant. More than Rs 6.54 billion has been estimated to complete the preliminary proposal. The hospital now has 300 beds and has been operating through governmental resources while 300 beds are managed by the hospital development committee. After upgrading it into the academic institution, it is expected to directly benefit the students and locals in the district and neighbouring districts.