
BLOG SURF: Affordable housing

BLOG SURF: Affordable housing

By Luis Triveno

In a world divided over how to deal with such serious problems as terrorism, immigration, free trade, and climate change, governments agree on the urgency of solving what is arguably the biggest problem of all: supplying safe, well-located, and affordable housing for the billions of people who need it. There is even agreement on the basic steps to that goal:  improving land management and adopting more tenure-neutral policies. There is also consensus on the fact that government alone cannot afford to pay the bill.  According to McKinsey & Co., the annual price tag for filling the “global housing gap” is twice the cost of the global investments needed in public infrastructure to keep pace with GDP growth. As we approach the 60th anniversary in 2018 of the declaration of housing as a “universal human right,” it’s time for governments to turn to an obvious solution for closing the housing gap that they continue to ignore only at their peril: long-term market finance.