
It’s a Dog’s year

It’s a Dog’s year

By Agencies

January 29 marks the beginning of the Chinese new year or the Year of the Dog.

Persons born in the Year of the Dog have a lot of characteristics considered positive in China, for example loyalty, honesty, friendliness, reliability and discretion.

The Dogs among you


The male Dog’s hallmark is loyalty to those who you deem part of his immediate circle. You are a true family man, and make a loving husband and a protective father. You are slow to make close friends, but those few you do make will be tried-and-true allies for life. You have a very ironic sense of humour, and the only subject matter that you prefer to self-deprecation is criticising the foibles of others.

This may escalate into an incurable tendency to spread gossip, which may result in your being eighty-sixed from all of the best clubs in town, if not kept in careful check. You are prone to depression, but would sooner die rather than reveal this to others. You have such a firm belief in the rightness of your opinions that you have acquired a reputation for hard-headedness.


The female Dog is possessed of an extraordinarily grim sense of humour that can enthrall as easily as it repels. You are quite ambitious in your chosen profession, and you have the required talent necessary to go far, if only you can stay the course and not be discouraged by a few early defeats. You need to learn patience.

You are a good conversationalist, convivial and attractive — you are a valued guest at parties. You tend to have impossibly high standards in all things, and others who fail to meet the criteria of your personal value system will seem lessened in your eyes, even if their failings are those possessed in equal measure by all human beings.

Likes and dislikes:

Dog people are very cerebral and introspective, and prefer more sedentary pursuits and enjoyments. The favorite colour of Dog persons is pale yellow, and their corresponding gemstones are moonstone, carnelian and jasper. They like rocking chairs, good books, roses and other flowers, and movies of all kinds. Their favorite pastimes are cooking, dancing, and arts and crafts of every possible variety, from basket weaving to pottery.

Dogs dislike hurting other people’s feelings, so they will go out of their way to be polite to people, at least to their faces. They don’t like losing control of their emotions, as they are embarrassed by any big emotional outpouring and will try to avoid such incidents. They also have a strong sense of social justice and enjoy backing unpopular causes, especially those for which there is little or no chance of success in the near future!


Dog people are steadfast and reliable employees, and will do what it takes to bring a project in by deadline time. Dogs are resourceful and eager to help out at work. Dogs will take on more work if it means less work for their peers, but they expect similar favours in return if they should need them. They enjoy learning new skills and as a result are cherished employees.

A Dog’s just and fair nature comes in handy when in positions of leadership where decisions have to be made. However, they can sometimes be snowed under and virtually paralysed by being forced to make too many critical decisions within a short span of time. Good careers for Dogs include: Judge, Clerk, Teacher, Scientist, Police Officer, Doctor or Psychiatrist.

Dog parents:

Dog parents are always very good at putting their family first, above all else. They are wonderfully supportive parents who take great pride in the happiness and well being of their children. They are selfless content to wear the same old clothes so their children may have stylish new clothes for the new school year.

Dog parents make for very stoic role models for their children and keep close bonds with their offspring well after they’ve grown up. They are experts at playing the “guilt game” on their grown children, and can usually manipulate them to serve their own ends. Dogs were made for having children and raising a family — they are the best parents in the entire Chinese zodiac!

Dog kids:

Dog children are highly creative and able to entertain themselves for hours on end. They don’t mind playing by themselves, often inventing games and puzzles as well as an entire zoo of imaginary friends. They are responsible children who love to take on and complete as many tasks as are possible.