
MIDWAY: Time schedules

MIDWAY: Time schedules

By Uday Lama

I believe in timing schedules no matter how unimportant the work may be. Fortunate are those who share similar sentiments for there is something to look forward to it. It also pays off in increased satisfaction and a sense of completion at a job done.

Fixed schedules allow for no or little time to finish a project. The workload is limited and not too taxing so there is every chance of completing it. And is usually finished within the deadline. This calls for willingn-ess to work under pressure. Perhaps this is why filling in the necessary details acquire so much importance.

While flexible timing means more work compressed within a period. It denotes that one is not answerable to the boss. Only those who can resolve problems fall under this category. They devote quality time to anything that comes their way. This calls for resolution of matters over an extended period.

People’s attitude differs towards work. Perhaps, this is a subconscious reflection on their part but it matters, nonetheless. Being either fixed or flexible in their ways limits growth and in engaging in fruitful activity. They lose out on planning and executing projects. Preferring to stay put until the whole thing is over and done with.

Multi-tasking is the new mantra where the manpower is ensconced into cubicles to ensure privacy. Two or more tasks are engaged in and require a flair for details. The only drawback is it could lead to distractions and increased pressure to conform.

This calls for performing on one’s own. An individual with a multi-pronged approach to work can handle more than one task with ease. Making calls while scanning the name list demands eye and hand co-ordination and a keen auditory sense.

Timing schedules to fit in a shift allows for overtime or extra work. This means that within a 24-hour period only relevant documents are presented. An occasional lapse in performance is taken into account.

There could be factors that cuts down on the hours available to manage the workload. Any work done within a specified period requires skills. Only then will anything of worth be produced. Scheduling one’s time takes some allotment of tasks that have to be done according to priorities.