
Locals obstruct Prithvi highway for two hours over death of pedestrian

Locals obstruct Prithvi highway for two hours over death of pedestrian

By Madan Wagle

DAMAULI: Agitated locals of Byas Municipality in Tanahaun obstructed Prithvi Highway for two hours on Monday after a bus hit and killed 46-year-old Narayan Neupane near Baldi Bridge in the Municipality. The bus, plated Na 5 kha 6100, on the way to Katari from Pokhara welted Neupane who was transporting milk to Damauli. According to Sub Inspector of Police at District Police Office’s Crime Investigation Unit, Manoj Pandey, the hit-and-run driver along with the vehicle were taken into custody at Abukhaireni. Locals obstructed the highway soon after the incident demanding talks with bus owner and Katari based Himali Transportation Association and Welfare Fund. Although the victim’s postmortem was carried out by Damauli Hospital, his kin have not yet accepted his body. The highway obstructed since 12:00 in the noon came back on-line at 2:00 pm after the locals and police came to an agreement to call bus owner and the association for talks to be held on Tuesday.