Call to recall all envoys
Call to recall all envoys
Published: 12:00 am Feb 15, 2006
Kathmandu, February 14:
Pro-palace leaders and political analysts today demanded that the Nepal’s ambassadors residing in foreign countries should be punished for not defending the recently held civic polls.
Addressing a programme organised by Ekta Nepal, DN Thapa, chairman of the Nepal Samata Party (Samajbadi), today said, “The ambassadors to foreign countries are enjoying the facilities so that they can defend the country when needed. But they have all failed to do so,” he said. He opined that the ambassadors should have organised press conferences in the respective countries and should have emphasised that the elections in Nepal were constitutional and were conducted successfully.
Dr Shastra Datta Panta, a political analyst, said Nepal’s ambassadors failed to convince the foreign governments about the polls in Nepal, leading to adverse foreign reaction to the polls.
“They should either be recalled or punished,” he said, adding that it is the government’s duty to find out their drawbacks.