Two neglected pre-teen dalit brothers deprived of basic rights in Bajura
Two neglected pre-teen dalit brothers deprived of basic rights in Bajura
Published: 03:00 pm Aug 06, 2018
BAJURA: Two sons of Mangal Nepali of Budhiganga Municipality-10 in Bajura district have been living in a sorry state for five years. Nepali's 12-year-old son Anil Nepali and 10-year-old son Arun Nepali have been living in neglected and unprotected condition for five years, local Bharat Kunwar said. After the mother of those children died in parturition, Mangal married again, went to India losing contact with his children. Since then, the two brothers have been living with their 70-year-old grandmother Indra Nepali. The children are deprived of education; they have stopped their schooling and have been passing their time in odd jobs. According to Indra, she desperately uses her 'senior citizen's allowance' which is not enough to bring up the children. She said that she even borrowed from her neighbours to feed her grandchildren. It has been reported that just a week before, the two brothers had headed towards India to find their father, but were stopped by the security personnel from crossing the Indian border near Sanfe in Achham district. They were handed over to the police in Bajura district. Chief of Bajura District Police Office, Deputy Superintendent of Police Sagar Bohara said that the children were handed over to their guardian after they were found strolling near the border. Anil expressed in melancholy that he had to give up his schooling of Grade III in lack of money for they had nothing left to eat or to buy books, uniforms among other basic necessities.