The Himalayan Times


PEOPLESPEAK: We want less HW, lighter schoolbags and friendlier teachers

PEOPLESPEAK: We want less HW, lighter schoolbags and friendlier teachers

By Rishi Singh

Representing students from rural areas, I disagree with the view that student life is the golden life. This is true only for students in the city and from families of a high economic level. The government schools in remote and rural areas are not run well or in proper manner. If I were in a position to do something, then I’d make regular supervisions and cross inspections in schools.

— Dilli Rai

I’ve just just completed my schools, but I always wanted to have library and canteen facilities.

— Situ Maharjan

One thing which I would like to change about my school is the rule on punishment and practical education. I have seen that students are severely punished for simple mistakes. This should not be. Another thing that should be strictly prohibited is students mugging their texts. This should be discouraged.

— Govinda Sapkota

I would like to change the teaching methodology. More than textual knowledge, students should be given practical knowledge by field visits and excursions.

— Krisha Amatya

If I could change something about my school then I’d definitely bring about a change in the way teachers behave with students. A students are part of the education the school, they should also be treated with respect. Teachers should be their friends.

— Prasun

What I’ve noticed is that junior-level students are under a lot of pressure. Their schoolbags weigh more than them and are burdened with lots of assignment. This shouldn’t be.

— Anup Chitrakar

I feel that many of us students feel like overworked race horses saddled to a hackney coach and no time for entertainment. Students are burdened with adding additional course books each passing year. A reliable course should be implemented and vocational trainings should be introduced from an early stage.

— Ashok Gurung, Siddhartha School, Narayangarh

I am studying in the US and everything is fine in here. The best thing I like about school here is that we don’t have to wear a school uniform. I know school uniform represents discipline, but I don’t think many students love wearing a uniform. If my school in Nepal had no school uniforms, then it would be the coolest school ever.

— Achyata

A schoolday has seven to 10 periods of at least 45 minutes each. Most teachers are just bothered about completing their course. But this is not an efficient way of teaching. According to my experience, it would be better to conduct 4-6 classes a day of one hour or more each. A teacher can teach for a part of the period, then spend time on interaction and discussion, and on doing questions and answers. Students will thus have less homework burden and can have enough time for revision and other activities.

— Sabina Birbal, Bhaktapur

In my opinion, the best scholastic achievement would be to introduce ‘sex education’. I have experienced that even the teachers are narrow minded when it comes to talking about sex education. Nepal is one of the most vulnerable countries in terms of AIDS and STDs. Unless such education is openly dealt with, students will be forced to bottle their sexual anxieties.

— Subash Dahal, Tri-Chandra College

I would make sure that all students should have to participate in the extra-curricular activities and sports.

— Nirmal Gurung, Birtamod

I think our teachers should know that adolescent students will try on make-up, different hairstyles and the such. They should not make the rules about such things rigid.

— Sujan Shrestha

The only change I would like to make is to reduce the amount of books that we carry to school. We are not coolies. And teachers, please don’t spank the kids. It really hurts a lot.

— I-Use

I would take students for an educational tour once every term instead of once a year. This will make learning fun.

— Sumi

What I dislike in school life is utter pressure upon students by teachers and school authority. The do’s and dont’s should contribute to the betterment of students rather than confining them. The sense of freedom will help in the psychological, physical and intellectual development of a student.

— Dhananjay Shah, CDE TU

My school needs a change very much and it may be possible by changing the principal because he is not right for our school.

— Anjan Kumar Sing

What I don’t like is the pressure created by the load of homework. Teachers still follow conventional method of giving homework beleiving students will excel by doing it.

— Shirish Gautam

If I were someone who could bring changes in the school where I studied, I would bring about changes in the curriculum, so that the new courses will meet international standards and enable students to compete in the international arena.

— Ambika Pandey, Chitawan

There are so many schools whose students don’t know how to speak proper English. As we know English is an important language, I would make strict rules and regulation regardifng spoken English.

— Neelotpal Sharma

I’d decrease the amount of monthly fees and make sure there’s nothing called ‘re-admission’ because students from middle-poor families, cannot afford the money of re-admission.

— Navalok