
Snakebite Treatment Centre constructed in Kerabari of Morang

Snakebite Treatment Centre constructed in Kerabari of Morang

By Santosh Kafle

The newly constructed building of Snakebite Treatment Centre located at Kerabari Rural Municipality-6, Morang. Photo: Santosh Kafle/THT

SUNSARI: Nepal Army’s Kalishakti Batallion of Yangshilaa, Kerabari Rural Municipality-6, Morang has established a Snakebite Treatment Centre. Nepal Army, in coordination with the locals, completed the building construction at a total cost of Rs 3.3 million. However, necessary furniture and equipment are yet to be purchased, said Chief of Building Construction Consumers Committee Prakash Shrestha. A budget of Rs 5.7 million was estimated for the purpose of building construction. The newly constructed facility will provide the services to nearby areas such as Dangi, Aamjuli and Wards 5 and 6 of Dharan. Remote areas of Kerabari Rural Municipality-4, 5, and 6, along with Dharan Sub Metropolitan City-6 are among the areas lying on the foothill where snakebite is prominent. The construction of the facility is believed to provide easy treatment.