Nagarkot festival to take place at Batase hill
Nagarkot festival to take place at Batase hill
Published: 07:21 pm Jan 20, 2020
BHAKTAPUR: The second Nagarkot festival is to be held in a bid to make the Visit Nepal Year-2020 a success. The main slogan of the festival is 'Natural heritage, art and culture, and tourism development; bases for Nagarkot progress'. Preparations are over for the festival to be held at Batase hill from January 24 to 26, shared Nabin Gurung, chairperson of the host organisation, Nagarkot Naldum Tourism Development Committee. The festival aiming at attracting more tourists to Nagarkot is to be held at an estimated cost of Rs 4.6 million, informed committee's vice-chair Dhan Bahadur Lama. The festival will have stalls exhibiting food varieties, local agro products, indigenous art and culture, and tourism promotion. There will be cultural and musical performances from 13 noted singers, artists and comedians during the festival.