
My Lockdown Experience

My Lockdown Experience

By Saurav Chapagain

As always when my final term was finished, I was happy as I had interesting plans for my holidays. I didn’t know much about COVID-19. When I came to know about COVID-19, I was scared. Neither did we go to our village nor did we go on vacation or to play outdoors. The lockdown started soon after. We watched movies and TV. We weren’t bored at the beginning but when the lockdown started getting longer, all of us were bored of staying at home and wanted to go out. We didn’t want to risk our lives either. We realised that going out would make the risk higher so we stayed home. I started to read books, my father did his work on the computer, my mother also read books and wrote some poems, and my sister started learning instruments. As we did this, we learned about new talents in each other. Turns out, I am very good at video games too. We didn’t get to go outside so we played indoor games. I read Harry Potter and reviewed my favorite book ‘Diary of a Wimpy Kid’. One evening I was bored so I helped my mother in the kitchen and now I have a habit of helping her every evening. I even helped my father in the garden and he taught me to recognise all the plants in our garden like: pumpkin, potato, chilly, spinach, beans, water gourd, tomato etc. We even made a hanging garden in the process of “The three R’s” (Reduce- Reuse and Recycle). The lockdown has had many effects on our lives but we should realise that time is precious and that we should be productive. Saurav Chapagain is 6th grader at United School in Lalitpur