
Blackbuck population increasing in Nepal

Blackbuck population increasing in Nepal


BARDIYA, JANUARY 25 The total population of blackbucks stands somewhere near 50,000 in the world now. At present, Nepal and Pakistan are the only countries that have natural habitats for the endangered species. There are two sub-species of blackbucks in the world. The sub-species found in Nepal is called antelope cervicapra. Of the total number of blackbucks found in Nepal, Bardiaya’s Blackbuck Conservation Area, Khairapur has 200 of them. After the zoo set up by Banke’s Nepalgunj sub-metropolis was not seen as appropriate, the blackbucks at the zoo were shifted to Shuklaphanta National Park. The population of the endangered species of antelope is growing in the country. As per official data, blackbucks that were just in single digit, nine, in 1976 in Bardiya’s Gulariya Municipality has now risen to 200. About eight years ago, 100 blackbucks were swept away by the floods and went missing. Prior to the floods, their number stood somewhere near 300. The community living near the conservation area has also played a significant role in its protection.