Kulung Language Cassette Released
Kulung Language Cassette Released
Published: 12:00 am May 12, 2002
Bairagi Kainla a renowned litterateur released a Kulung Rai language cassette “Aayabung” meaning beautiful flower amidst a programme organised here on Saturday. The young contributors of the cassette Sarala Rai - a popular singer, Sushma Rai, Kul Bahadur Rai and Bardan Rai were handed over appreciation letters for their special contribution in producing such historic cassette contributing to preserving this rare language.
There are about 34 dialects among Raiout of which Kulung is one. President of the Kirant Rai Association Kul Bahadur Rai praised the effort for it can help contribute to the ethnical identification of their class. He urged the government to help these dialects to be preserved that otherwise could be soon dwindling. He further emphasised that even if the authorities remain unconcerned, the people themselves should feel responsible to preserve their precious language and culture by using them widely, producing cassettes and publishing literature and also by reading news on the language through broadcasting media.
Past executive director of National Committee for Development of Nationalities, Ananda Santoshi Rai claimed that there are only 26 languages alive among the 34 Kiranti languages.
The chief guest Bairagi Kainla said, “ We had our own identity before — own Kiranti way of building houses and own peculiar dressing styles but today we forgot all and mixed with other people,” adding that the language is the only identity and it has also been suppressed and limited by the other dominating languages in the community and is hence endangered.
Preserving the language by recording songs is one of the best ways, he said. He also commented that written cultures dominated the spoken ones but spoken languages have their own identity as the written ones. Ones mother tongues are as important, he added.