MoES launches website on education law
MoES launches website on education law
Published: 12:00 am May 08, 2004
Himalayan News Service
Kathmandu, May 7:
Ministry of Education and Sports (MoES) with the support of Education Sector Advisory Team (ESAT) launched a website on education law today. The website contains 228 legal documents on education that includes constitutional provisions, six Acts related to schools, six Acts related to universities and 10 other Acts. It also has eight rules related to schools, 33 rules related to universities and 12 others. The website also contains 47 education bylaws-11 related to schools, 34 related to universities and two related to others. It contains 21 directives-17 related to schools, 4 related to universities and four related to others. It has also compiled nine reports submitted by various committees.
Uday Nepali Shrestha, vice-president of Law Reform Commission said that legal information should be easily accessible to all. He expressed hope of receiving prompt and exact legal information on education.
Bidhyadhar Mallik, secretary at MoES said, it will help in making everybody understand the legal provisions regarding education and will provide a forum for discussions about legal hassles in education. Kartsen Jenson, chief technical advisor of ESAT said the website will help in facilitating the education policy and keep legal information up-to-date.