KB Mahara calls for a republican set-up
KB Mahara calls for a republican set-up
Published: 12:00 am Oct 19, 2006
Chitwan, October 18:
Spokesman for the CPN-Maoist, Krishna Bahadur Mahara, said today that the peace talks would take a decisive turn shortly. He also said the Maoists will lay down arms only after the seven-party alliance roots for a democratic republican set-up.
Mahara, who is also coordinator of the Maoist team in the government-Maoist talks, made these remarks while inaugurating the fifth national conference of the Maoist-affiliated All Nepal Peasants’ Association (R).
Mahara said the Maoists are keen to reach a momentous decision and that the seven political parties should come a step forward for the same. “The SPA is neither able to take the king’s side nor root for a republican set-up,” he said. “It has also not learnt anything from the betrayal of the army for the past 60 years,” he said.
He appealed to leaders of the SPA and foreign powers not to make a fuss about the Maoists’ arms. “The weapons of our people’s army will instantly be locked up if seven political parties show readiness for a republican set-up.”
Claiming that the Jana Andolan-II was the end result of the 12-point understanding between the Maoists and the parties, Mahara said the Maoists are ready to go for multi-party politics if the SPA agrees to a republican set-up. He said tri-polar politics in the country had narrowed down to a bi-polar one only after the 12-point understanding.
Mahara said there was a betrayal when the 19-day Jana Andolan was about to conclude and the eight-point understanding was reached as a result of reconciliation with the SPA.