


By Rishi Singh

Respect human rights

As I was passing the international convention centre at New Baneshwor in a bus on November 10, I witnessed hoards of children atop buses bearing red flags. They were about 15 or 16 years of age, but chanting revolutionary slogans en route to the Maoist

gathering at the Open Air Theatre. I also saw the buses of boarding schools ferrying Maoist cadres to the venue of the rally.

All these activities are all right as long as they do not encroach on the fundamental and human rights of other citizens. To make the peace long-lasting, constant attention to this

aspect is necessary.

Abinash Mainali, via e-mail


This is in reference to Bhakta Raj Giri’s letter “Who is afraid of Thimphu” (THT, Nov. 8). Diplomatic relations between Nepal and Bhutan will remain strained as long as the Bhutanese refugee issue is not settled.

As Thimphu is not willing to take back the refugees, it is imperative that the refugees look for alternatives. If the legitimate rights of the refugees are recognised according to international norms and conventions, the crisis can easily be resolved. Because the probability of repatriating the refugees to Bhutan is almost zero, the recent expression of opinion by some of the so-called refugees’ leaders who advocated repatriation perhaps reflects their ulterior motives. The problem should be solved on humanitarian grounds.

Narapati Dahal, Gaighat

Read both

This is in response to Sajan Koirala’s Midway piece “Bookish quandary” (THT, Nov. 9). To get on in the modern world, students need extra knowledge beyond what is there in the course books.

Koirala’s article reflects the problem of the majority of school students. Though they may be poor in academic subjects, they may improve their knowledge of the world by keeping

up-to- date with the latest novels and out-of-course books. One need not disagree with Koirala’s statement: “As our friends and family enrich our lives, books do the same.” This is not a bad habit per se. But I would like to advise all the students not to neglect their course books. They should try to be both a good student and a good reader of textbooks and


Prabal Pradhan, Holy Vision School


Going over Manorama Adhikari’s Midway article titled “Women’s dilemma” (THT, Nov. 8), I could not help thinking about my female colleagues in office. I often poke fun at them

saying that their parents are preparing a “bridal package” to sell.

I have seen parents putting pressure on their daughters to study difficult subjects in order to highlight their mental abilities before prospective grooms. This is why many women fail to pursue highly professional careers.

Jayendra Thapa, via e-mail

Animal rights

Extensive experiments on chimpanzees and dolphins have proved that animals, too, have emotions like human beings. We see many animals doting on their young ones and the howls of dogs to express their sorrow. So, it becomes the duty of us humans to ensure that

animals are not subjected to violence or torture.

Alok Paudel, Hetauda