
ON THE JOB: On road to success

ON THE JOB: On road to success

By Phillip Trobaugh

Everyone dreams of being successful in one’s choice of career and in one’s workplace. Here are a few tips that might get you climbing the ladder of success sooner than later.

Seek feedback/clarification: If you are unsure about whether you have done a good job on a project, don’t let your bewilderment poison your attitude. Take it upon yourself to be appropriately proactive in seeking the feedback that will allow you to move forward. Managers are usually busy so try to keep the lines of communication open to the extent you have control.

Look down the road: If a company seems to be making some major changes that may not include you, don’t wait until the axe falls. Get on top of the situation and make a decision about whether you will wait it out or seek a new position.

Keep the boss happy: Being pleasant, helpful, and cooperative aids in the workplace, and is a habit we should carry with us when we are not at work. There may come a time when a boss is unpleasant, or worse. If you cannot tolerate his unpleasantness, you may need to dust off that resume.

Keep evaluations in perspective: Evaluations are simply a touch-base session with your supervisor regarding your recent work performance. While many of us link what we are with what we do, we should not let our sense of self be tied to evaluations. If your review contains negative comments you feel are erroneous, they should be used as a guide on how to re-package yourself so that your next review is more positive. Respectfully disagreeing is what you can do without causing a rift with your boss.

Trust your instincts: Most people have good instincts as to whether they are held in good esteem by their superiors or whether they are in the doghouse. But sometimes people ignore their instincts, usually because the reality is difficult to accept. If you are experiencing anxiety at work, you must either work things out with your employer or take appropriate steps to find another job.