Viet Nam's growth
Published: 01:15 pm Feb 05, 2021
On many levels, women in Viet Nam fare better than women living in countries at a similar level of economic development. Still, women-owned businesses face disproportionate barriers.
Viet Nam's gross domestic product is forecast to grow 2.3% in 2020. It is a significant achievement considering many countries in the region are in economic freefall.
Policymakers, however, must consider if the economy needs further stimulus. In addition to this year's growth, the economy is expected to bounce back strongly in 2021 with the Asian Development Bank forecasting an expansion of 6.1%, which is broadly comparable to Viet Nam's recent growth rates. With the Government Statistics Office reporting unemployment at 2.5% as of September 2020, the labor market seems strong.
Traditional metrics like GDP and unemployment, however, do overlook and can even contribute to inequalities. If the overall picture is strong, then governments may elect to forego additional support even though certain groups may be lost in the statistical shuffle.