Nepal Airlines Corporation has made public the schedule of its domestic flights for the month of February.
NAC released the schedule through its social media, today. The list shows the details including flight numbers, sectors (point of departure-point of arrival), days and timings of the flights.
नेपाल वायुसेवा निगमले ०१ देखि २८ फेव्रुअरी २०२१ सम्मको हिउँदकालिन आन्तरिक उडान तालिका निम्न दिन र समय अनुसार रहेको जानकारी गराउदछ । #nepalairlines #nepalairlinesRA pic.twitter.com/bnj4dPubNU
- Nepal Airlines (@NepalAirlinesRA) February 8, 2021
The flights schedule -
Winter schedule for flights released by Nepal Airlines Corporation (NAC).