
Our camping trip

Our camping trip

By Sabina Thapa, Class VIII, Magus English School, Kirtipur

When our teacher announced the Scout camp at Kakani, I was so excited I could not sleep the night before the trip. I reached school so early that I was the first one there.

We went to Kakani by bus on narrow, winding roads. I got scared but my friends started singing, which helped reduce my anxiety.

When we reached our destination we were told to change into our scout uniform. Then we started our work like cooking, looking for firewood, fetching water and such. We also played games. There were various programmes like dance competitionss, talent shows, fashion shows. Our troop participated in every competition. We stood first in the dance competition.

We sang our Scout song around the camp fire. Then we went to our tents to sleep.

The next morning I got a scare as I could not find my Scout skirt. I did find it in the last minute. After breakfast, we had a training session. We were made to crawl through thorny areas and I was able to complete it successfully. Then we were made to move through tyres and reach our destination. Walking on a rope was difficult but I managed it.

Then we had a fashion show. I was dressed in traditional Newari attire. At the end of the programme the headmaster distributed prizes to the winning teams. We returned with alot of experience and fun memories.