Butwal industrial fair-2061 extends
Butwal industrial fair-2061 extends
Published: 12:00 am Jan 03, 2005
Mahendra Thapa
Rupandehi, January 3:
Butwal Industrial Fair-2061 is extended for two more days due to encouraging participation. Now the fair will conclude on January 6, states a press release issued here by the organisers today, “The participating industrial institutions and visitors requested to extend the fair.”
The participants are encouraged from the increasing number of visitors. The fair management secretariat (FMS) stated that ticket sale was halted for an hour after the rush of the crowd went beyond control on Saturday.
On Saturday, Prakash Man Singh, minister for physical planning and construction could not observe the fair due to the crowd. The FMS claimed that during the 10 days of the fair, some 2,70,000 people visited while there was a transaction worth Rs 30 million. The visitors from all six districts of Lumbini zone, Dang, Syangja, Kaski, Chitwan and Tanahun among others of Western Development Region and also from Sunauli, Nautunawa and Gorkhapur throng the fair. Though entry ticket is Rs 20 people are paying Rs 25 to enter. The FMS added that there are many ticket counters including Devdaha, Ramnagar, Saljhandi, Manigram and Mangalapur besides Butwal. The main attraction of the fair is the cultural programme where the established and new artistes entertain the crowd. On the last day of cultural programme on Sunday, the folk artists performed on the stage.
The Industrial Fair-2061 was sponsored by Federation of Nepal Chambers of Commerce and Industries (FNCCI) and Butwal Chambers of Commerce and Industries (BCCI) and co-sponsored by Butwal Municipality and Ministry of Industries, Commerce and Supply. Last year, three industrial fairs were organised in the district.
The eighth National Indu strial Exhibition was organised in Poush and the first Lumbini Tourism Festival was organised in Mangsir.
The Federation of Industries of Nepal Industrial Zone is also going to organise an Industrial Festival on the last week of Magh.