



Support RNA, not criticise

The Amnesty International (AI) has “expressed concerns over the increasing use of small arms by both the warring factions” in Nepal.

While it is true small arms are now increasingly becoming a menace, large arms are also equally in use. The army too has not been using sling shots. But one cannot criticise the army alone for using guns. They have to use the weapons to fight the rebels and to

protect people. Unfortunately, in Nepal, the Royal Nepalese Army is considered a holy cow. And the media too has been treating the RNA and the Maoists on the same level. In the US, the army, though severely criticised on many instances like in the Abu Ghraib event, has the constant support of all the American people, and even for those who oppose the war in Iraq.

The RNA has definitely committed rights abuses while fighting a difficult war it was not trained for. We should remember that the Maoists are using all sorts of means in this war and are hiding amongst the civilians. The army’s job is hence made that much difficult. The RNA must be groomed as a modern and professional army. They should be given better legal training and equipment and clear rules of engagement laid down for them. The RNA too should be more careful on rights violation issue during its operations and respect all those

international conventions that Nepal is a signatory to.

A K Aryal, Bishalnagar


When the present government came into being, it was given two tasks to accomplish — first to hold talks with the Maoists and second to conduct parliamentary elections. Since the January 13 deadline set by the government for the Maoists to come for talks does not seem to be materialising, the important question is, will the government go ahead with the announcement of the polls? If it is unable to do so, the Deuba government will surely have to resign. It seems that the political situation is heading nowhere. If this government goes, what will happen then? Will the country still be governed under Article 127? And since major political parties have said that conducting free and fair polls is not possible in the current

situation, the picture is getting even gloomier. The political leaders along with the

members of the civil society should discuss this matter immediately. A national

consensus is a must at the moment and this can emerge only from a widely participated conference.

Ramesh Neupane, Mahankal

Glue sniffing

Drug is a natural or artificial substance that is given to diagnose, treat or prevent a disease. But drug abuse sets in when a drug is self-administered for non-medical reasons in quantities and frequencies which may result in social, physical, or emotional harm.

Meanwhile, glue sniffing has appeared as a new habit of drug addiction in Kathmandu. Street children in the capital city are found to be inhaling glue vapours even in public places.

The organisations working for the welfare of street children and other anti-drug abuse organisations need to launch campaigns to control this form of addiction.

Anshu K Thakur, Bijeshwori


Though the government and the transport entrepreneurs have agreed to provide

discount to students on public vehicles, the conductors do not give this concession to the

students on Saturdays and public holidays. Notwithstanding the day or time, students should be provided with this concession.

Prasanna Karki, Dhulikhel