
Fleecing taxis fined

Fleecing taxis fined

By Himalayan News Service

KATHMANDU: In a bid to check unscrupulous taxi drivers from making a tidy profit at the cost of unsuspecting customers, the police have taken action against 73 taxis in the past two days. The drivers caught red-handed were sent to Nepal Bureau of Standards and Metrology at Balaju, along with the vehicles, for action. They will be fined anything between Rs 500 and Rs 3,000. If they repeat the offense, their licences will be cancelled. SP Rabi Raj Shrestha at Metropolitan Traffic Police Division said, “These drivers are very clever. If they sense that the passenger is in a hurry or in a drunken state or is tense, they are quickly up to their tricks and tamper with the meter.” Instances of tampered meters can be reported to the police by dialling 100.