
Loss, causes of diarrhoea to be reviewed

Loss, causes of diarrhoea to be reviewed

By Himalayan News Service

KATHMANDU: Ministry of Health and Population is planning to prepare a post-diarrhoeal review. The outbreak of the past few months ravaged the mid- and far-western populations. "Having the outbreak been taken under control now, we are preparing to review the loss and the causes of the disease in coordination with respective District Disaster Relief Committees," said Vishow Raj Khanal, senior health administrator, Epidemiology and Disease Control Division of MoHP. He said the DDRCs were working with various NGOs, INGOs and other concerned bodies that helped combat the outbreak for the purpose. Talking to The Himalayan Times, he said they were adopting a strategy for lessening the post epidemic grief. He said they were reaching out to the grassroots level to collect data in order to find out the root cause of the outbreak that took around 132 lives. Female Community Health Volunteers are also being mobilised for creating awareness in the affected areas. The government has announced to implement short-term and long-term programmes such as building 5,000 toilets in the seriously-hit districts. Teachers and students will also be used to create public awareness on the disease.