Most folks stinting on meat
Most folks stinting on meat
Published: 02:06 pm Sep 06, 2009
KATHMANDU: Nepalis consume 413.41 kg of food a year, a government report has revealed. According to the Department of Commerce (DoC), an average Nepali consumes 192.92 kg of food grains, 123 kg vegetables, 8.4 kg fish and meat and 4.7 kg oil and ghee over 365 days. In the food grain category, rice is the commonly consumed item with 122.1 kg per head, which is 29.53 per cent of the total food consumption per head a year. Maize (44.32 kg) is second and wheat (17.4 kg) is third in the category. Average consumption of vegetables is 123.19 kg — potato 50.39 kg, green vegetables 60.8 kg and onion 12 kg. Potato alone constitutes 12.18 per cent of the total food consumption and 40.90 per cent in vegetable items. Vegetable is the second major on the food ladder followed by milk. Nepalis are significantly consuming milk and milk products. According to DoC, per head consumption of milk is 11.72 per cent of total dietary needs of 413.41 kg. But, meat and fish consumption is significantly low compared to the global average of 11 kg. Nepali consumption of meat and fish is 7.4 kg and 1 kg, respectively. Fruits and lentils are least consumed items. Average annual consumption of fruits is 16.83 kg and lentils 9.1 kg. Nepalis consume 4.18 liter edible oil and 4.7 kg salt. Total food need of Nepal is 1,11,76,255 MT of food grains, vegetables, edible oils and meat for the fiscal year 2009-10. Among these, rice is the staple food and demand for it is 33,00,891 MT followed by vegetables (16,43,687 MT), potato (13,62,259 MT) and maize (11,98,161 MT). DoC has calculated the food demand and habit of Nepalis to make the market supply mechanism smooth. The consumption rates are calculated as per the dietary needs of a youth and analysis of current food habits, said DoC inspection officer Kamal Bahadur Thapa.
Rice 122.1 kg Potato 50.39 kg Milk 48.45 liter Vegetable 60.8 kg Fruits 16.83 kg Beans 9.84 kg Lentil 9.1 kg Fish and Meat 8.4 kg Sugar 4.9 kg Salt 4.7 kg Oil 4.18 kg