
Capital briefs

Capital briefs


Online quiz initiative KATHMANDU: NepaliClub.com, a social networking cite launched by Nepali youths, has started an online quiz for locals. Talking to The Himalayan Times on Friday, Sunil Rijal, Director of the website, said that the online challenge was meant for the teenagers. “I have been overwhelmed by the level of intelligence of teenage students,” he said adding, “They are smarter than most people would imagine thus the online quiz would be appropriate to further enhance their level of intelligence.” The challenge features a weekly online quiz which covered topics on current affairs, history, geography, sports, science and technology, he added. Ethnic body worried KATHMANDU: All Nepal Conference for Ethnic-People (ANCEP) on Friday expressed their serious concern toward the declaration of autonomous republican states as it was against the Comprehensive Peace Accord. ANCEP in a press statement has urged to raise voice against the declaration. It also accused that the Unified CPNMaoists were hindering the drafting of the new constitution, institutionalisation of republic and building national integrity. The statement further mentioned that the unilateral decision of the Maoist on federalism would create ethnic and regional violence and promote communal disharmony. The ANCEP has demanded that their rights be ensured in the new constitution.