Say goodbye to hair fall

Hello everyone! Are you losing a lot of hair? Do you want to stop that? What if I told you onions could be your secret ingredient?

It’s normal to lose a few strands of hair daily but if you lose hundreds of strands daily that can be a matter of concern. Regardless, a little extra care to avoid hair loss can never hurt. Though you don’t typically think of onions as a beauty ingredient, guess what, it can rescue hair loss. Take a part of an onion and extract its juice. You can either grate the onion or use your handy dandy blender. Mix the onion juice with a tad bit of oil and gently massage it across you scalp and hair. Be a little patient and let the mixture sit on your hair for 30 to 45 minutes. After that, wash your hair with your regular shampoo. It will take a little time for results to start showing so use this remedy each time before you wash your hair for a few weeks. Then you will slowly stop losing hair. Spend some time on yourself and try this simple tip to bid adieu to hair loss!

The author is the social media manager at Easy Cuts Nepal, a leading beauty salon and barbershop chain.