India reshaping global IT sector

Bangalore, October 27:

Six decades after its birth, the global IT industry has grown into a trillion-dollar behemoth. But while India has played a stellar role in shaping the sector, its share in the pie is a minuscule three per cent, say the authors of a new book.

“India showed that characteristic of on-time and within-budget delivery is something that can be expe-cted as the norm,” said Priya Kurien, who has co-auth-ored ‘Blind Men and The Elephant: Demystifying the Global IT Services Industry’ with Was Rahman. “More importantly, it has also been bringing in a much better success rate for the quality of project work delivered,” said the Bangalore-based Kurien.

Yet at $18 billion, the total revenue of India’s IT services exports is still less than three per cent of the total IT services pie. “Therefore, while in India there is considerable hype and excitement about role of Indian IT industry, ju-st from a contribution to gl-obal pie, there is plenty more to be done,” Kurien said.

Tracing the six decades of global IT services, their Sage-India published book looks at the state of three giant global IT service organisations — IBM, EDS and Accenture — and the Indian challengers TCS, Infosys and Wipro. Unable to find ‘books that gave us enough insights into the past of the IT services industry,’ the authors got the idea to write a book covering past, present and future of the sector.