As thousands of migrants have returned home due to the coronavirus pandemic and for other reasons, and are willing to stay back, a comprehensive gender-responsive sustainable socio-economic reintegration package targeting migrant returnee communities that creates livelihood opportunities matching migrants' skills and need of national economy will help returnees like to start a life in their home country, according to a press statement issued by the International Organisation for Migration (IOM) Nepal.

"This will enable to minimise the risk of an unsafe re-migration and human trafficking, and will help make migration an informed choice.

Similarly, evidences show that existing restrictions on aspirant women migrants to take up domestic works in Gulf countries in an effort to protect them from potential exploitations, do only force women to take riskier routes to migrate.

Therefore, it's high time we focus to fix the loopholes while respecting the right to mobility of everybody and make migration sector safer and dignified which works for migrants of all gender, their families, and countries of both origin and destination.

A version of this article appears in the print on March 11, 2021, of The Himalayan Times.