Milk holiday problem to be solved soon
Jagadish Bhattarai
Palpa, January 1
Dal Ram Pradhan, managing director of the district veterinary office, has assured the farmers that the problems caused by milk holidays will be solved soon.
The third animal development project had resulted in excessive milk production and the farmers had been compelled to take milk holidays, Pradhan stressed. Pradhan, on an inaugural programme of dairy processing centre at Kaji Pauwa, established with the help of Dairy Producers Cooperative Association (DPCA), said that the dairy business has helped the farmers financially.
Mohan Gaire, member of managing committee of DPCA, said that around 1000 litres of
milk is collected in an average every day and there might be some milk holidays, depending on the consumption but he added, "The association is trying hard not to do so."
The newly established milk-processing centre would be producing milk, paneer, sweets, hard cheese, curd, and ghee, Ram Prasad Pokhrel, chairman of DPCA, informed.
The centre targets to earn Rs 8.22 million in the fiscal year 2060-061 and spend Rs 7.99
million on building construction and purchase of processing equipments. They intend to save Rs 0.333 million.