Mobilisation of ‘unorecedent Coaliion for Change’: Annan

The Global Mining Initiative for responsible mining is a good example of collaboration among governments, businessmen, labour, non-governmental organisations and other stakeholders on an issue of crucial importance for the world’s quest to achieve sustainable development.

In particular through the Mining Minerals and Sustainable Development project, it has set out quite clearly the challenges that the industry – including labour - governments and civil society actors all face in bringing the sector nearer to a sustainable future.

Following is the message of Secretary-General Kofi Annan to the closing session of the Global Mining Initiative Conference, delivered on his behalf by George Kell, Executive Head of the Global Compact, in Toronto on 15 May:

“This effort comes at a critical juncture, said George Kell, executive head of Global Compact in Toronto on behalf of secretary general Kofi Annan at the closing session of Global Mining Initiative conference. “The mining and minerals industry is one in which there are real discrepancies between wealth creation for the few, and environmental and social costs for the many.”

On one hand, the vital raw materials provided by the mining and minerals industry underpin much of modern life, finding their way into everything from airplanes to cell phones. And many countries have successfully diversified their economies using natural resources.

At the same time, lives, livelihoods and sustainability itself are harmed by every polluted river, every degraded landscape, and every industry installation that spews toxins into the air. Many communities have been disrupted and no doubt many still will be, states a press release issued by United Nations Information Centre here on Tuesday.

“Clearly, it is imperative that we do more to ensure that mining’s fallout is mitigated, and that local communities-in particular the millions of artisanal miners who derive a livelihood from digging for mineral wealth -- share in the benefits,” said Kell for Annan, as per the release.

The Global Mining Initiative complements the Global Compact, the corporate citizenship initiative launched three years ago that seeks to help make globalization work for all people and to give hope and opportunity to those who remain excluded from global markets.

The Compact calls on businesses to take a precautionary approach to environmental challenges, and to promote social and environmental responsibility. This conference has mobilized an unprecedented coalition for change and has identified many important issues where cooperation and collective action can make a difference. The challenge now is to carry forward this momentum.

“I hope that large numbers of leaders from governments and business-working together with labour and civil society-will demonstrate real leadership and walk together along this new path of change, so that good ideas and good intentions will be transformed into action,” said Kell.